
Endobarrier is a novel device for treating obesity and type 2 diabetes. I developed materials for a cross-clinical education program, white papers, physician training, and consumer advertising. I also edited and updated the Endobarrier website.

Patient Brochure:

What is the Endobarrier?

The EndoBarrier is a revolutionary, non-surgical, non-pharmaceutical approach to controlling type 2 diabetes and weight. Consisting of a thin, flexible, tube-shaped liner that fits inside your intestine, the EndoBarrier creates a physical barrier between the intestinal wall and the food you eat. It changes the way your body responds to food and can dramatically lower your glucose level, while helping you to lose weight.

White Paper:

A New Approach for T2DM Patients Unresponsive to Treatment

The Challenge of Treating Type 2 Diabetes
Type 2 diabetes (T2DM) is one of the most serious health problems of our time. T2DM is a chronic, progressively debilitating disease that can cause cardiovascular disease, kidney failure, neuropathy, blindness, amputation, and death. While there are treatments that can slow the course of the disease, it is a complex, multi-systemic condition that can be difficult to treat effectively. Many of the current T2DM therapies have compliance challenges, dangerous side effects, and/or lose their effectiveness over time.

The Underserved T2DM Patient
There is a large underserved population of T2DM patients with no viable treatment options left. Battling obesity along with dangerously high glucose levels, these patients are unresponsive to conventional pharmaceutical medications and at risk for other related medical issues, including high cholesterol, high blood pressure and cardiovascular complications. To date, traditional treatment paradigms consisting of escalating pharmaceutical regimens have not been proven effective and can lead to complications and adverse events.